Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Three Wishes

Growing up it I can remember getting asked “if you had three wishes what would they be” well, being a kid there was no thought behind what I wanted. Most of the time I wished for more wishes, money and no bed time. As I’ve gotten older I have changed my answers to more well thought out answers.

1.       Wish one

I wish there were visiting hours in Heaven. I have had to withstand two painful and unexpected losses in my life and I think about them each and every day. My best friend was killed in a car accident just two years ago. Death is inevitable but laying a twenty-three-year-old to rest who was full of life, ambition and had some many years left was tragic. In each loss, I’ve learned something. Losing Neal, I learned to not hold back, and ask for forgiveness rather than permission.  However, losing my aunt just a month ago hit me hard. Some people always wondered why I was so close to her. Well, growing up I had lost my maternal grandparents before I was born and my paternal grandparents never came around. My mother was one of ten kids, her being the youngest and my Aunt Nina being the oldest. They were 24 years apart. therefore, she could have been my grandma and she played that role. I will never find another that loved me more than she.

2.       Wish two

I wish I could go back and tell my young self-everything I knew now. In junior high and even high school we are so wrapped up in being liked, wearing name brand clothing, having the ideal body figure. We let people bully us and tear us down. None of this stuff matters after high school. Being the prom queen means nothing to your employer, husband or kids. It shouldn’t mean anything to us. We let material things and popularity define us at a young age. It was the kids who didn’t have those things that had it all.  

3.       Wish three

I wish I could get my teenage years back. I was so obsessed with being an adult that I chose a job over girl’s nights. I chose a retirement plan over that spring break trip. All that stuff can wait. Live it up! Be young, wild and free. You have plenty years to worry about bills, a job and retirement. I may be doing things in reverse but after graduation I plan on living my twenties to the fullest.


  1. These are neat! My uncle died in a car accident when I was two years old and I would have loved to meet him. I am so sorry that you lost your best friend. I also sometimes wish I could go back to high school. Even as a freshman in college, I feel like I have gained so much more confidence in who I am and the decisions I make. We always kick ourselves for not listening to everyone who was older and wiser. Thank you for sharing this post.

  2. What a great idea for a blog post! This was so sweet, Darci. I agree with all your wishes. Sometimes I wish that I was already settled down, though. Visiting hours in heaven would be the best thing ever. I miss so many people, too. Sorry for your losses. Keep your head up and looking forward. Make your wishes and dreams come true in all that you do!
