Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Four Facebook Business Page Tips

1.        Get Targeted Likes

Facebook Likes aren't as valuable as they used to be -- nor are all Likes created equal. Now Facebook users can follow a page to receive updates without ever officially clicking Like. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get new fans. The key is getting targeted Likes from people who will Like, share and comment on your posts. Don't start asking your cousins, classmates or mom to Like your page, unless they plan to engage with your content. These days, lack of engagement can actually hurt your page! Use page Like ads to target people by interest & location. Those are the folks who could become your customers. Most people don’t travel very far to eat dinner unless they are traveling through the area. Therefore, I target my page Like ads at people who live in that area. I'm not likely to do business with those living elsewhere. Those folks might engage with my posts, but what good is that if they don't ever visit my restaurant? Unless your page is for entertainment only, these Likes aren't worth the effort. Make sure to target the right people with your Facebook ads.

2.       Use Awesome Profile & Cover Images

Your profile and cover images are important, but don't spend a bunch of money on design. Use your company logo as your profile photo. That's the most important image on your page. Furthermore, don't put text, a phone number or website on your profile photo. Keep it simple, but make sure to brand your business so people will recognize the image in the news feed. It is recommended to only change your profile photo once or twice a year. Changing the image can cause brand confusion, which could result in lower engagement and reach. Your profile picture needs to be recognizable and easy to read on Facebook mobile because most of Facebook interactions now are viewed on a mobile device not a desktop or laptop computer.

3.       Experiment with How Often You Post

Some Facebook experts say you should post just once a day, others say 10 posts a day aren't enough. They all might be right. It depends on your specific business and audience. To boost engagement, I say post as often as you can. If that means 20 posts a day, go for it! You might find you don't need to post that often to get engagement on your page, and that fans are more responsive when you post fewer times. The key is to test to see what works best for your page.

4.       Buy Facebook Ads

The point of running a Facebook page is to get more exposure and customers for your business. But many people hate the idea of spending money on Facebook ads. It's a fact, unless you buy ads, your page will go nowhere. The good thing about Facebook ads compared to other advertising is that you can target people in all sorts of categories. Businesses on Facebook should budget money for Page Like Ads, Boosted posts and News Feed Ads. Treat your Facebook ad budget as you would a utility bill it’s a necessary cost of doing business! This is my newest tip that I recently have started using myself and I am so glad I pay for Facebook ads and to promote my business!

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