Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Life Hacks

1.       Make more room in your small closet by using pop tabs

2.      Shower cap your shoes

Have you ever been traveling with several pairs of shoes and don’t want to lay them on your clothes? Problem solved! Place a shower cap over the bottom of your shoes to keep your clothes nice and clean!

3.      Shave your sweaters

Do you have a sweater that you love, but hate that lint balls it continues to gain? Take a woman’s razor and gently shave the sweater it will remove the unwanted lint balls.

4.      Bobby pins….EVERYWHERE??

Easy fix! Place a magnet strip in a bathroom drawer to easy hold all your bobby pins in one place.

5.      Ink stains on your favorite shirt

We’ve all been there, in fact I washed a pen in with all my dress clothes talk about a bummer! However, I was lucky enough to know place hand sanitizer on the stain to let it dissolve the ink.

6.     Keep your pizza warm on the ride home

When picking up a pizza turn on the heated seat and place the pizza box on the seat to keep your pizza warm on the ride home!

7.     7.  Rubber band and a paint can
This might be my favorite hack right now as I am painting my entire house.  Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe the extra paint of the paint brush instead of dripping paint down the side of the can.

8.      Use a stapler remover to organizing your key rings

Trying to add keys to your keychain, but sick of pinching your fingers and breaking your nails to do it? Me too! Next time use a stapler remover to hold the key ring open while placing keys on the ring.

9.      Love your costume jewlery but hate the green stain it leaves behind.

I have some fake rings that I love, but I hate the green ring it leaves on my finger. Well I have found if you paint the inside on the ring with clear finger nail polish it will not leave this annoying green mark on your hand.

10.  What to do with all those extra wine corks

We are all probably guilty of consuming a large amount of wine. Therefore, we have plenty of extra wine corks laying around. Put those wine corks to use by creating a homemade cork board!


  1. Wow! These are cool tricks! I never thought about some of these before! I am really into finding cool things like this on Pinterest to save me some money, but I have only seen a few of these before. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I had only heard of couple of these before! the hand sanitizer to remove ink and the paint can hack are definitely my favorites. I've seen the extra wine cork board idea before and I wish I had enough to actually make one. Thank you for sharing these!
